Category Archives: Suspense


I’ve been reading Stephen King for AWHILE. I started reading King when I was 11-ish and I still read his work today, even though I have honestly tried to break up with him a few times. Being a longtime fan (a Constant Reader, as he refers to us out there reading his work), I think I’m in a pretty good spot to write this reading guide.

I’ve tried to split it into genre (though this is difficult, they overlap), and then separate into the best books and the pretty okay books, in case you’re not a completist.

“Hey, where’s ____________ ? Why isn’t it on this list?” If I’ve left out a book, it will probably have been 100% on purpose as I don’t recommend every single book he’s ever written (and neither does he). Or I might leave a book off of one list because it fits better in another. As always, these are studied opinions, not absolute decrees. Please discuss your disagreements in the comments.

Just the Best (Well, the Best As Far As I’m Concerned)

Maybe you don’t care about genre and you just want to read his best work. Totally fair. So I’ll list out my top picks first, and then break it down by genre. (Yes, fellow Constant Readers, you’re going to want to yell at me for leaving out books. My body is ready.)

Carrie, 1974. Carrie was the first book that Stephen King published, and in this case, starting from the beginning is a great thing. It’s a tight, solid story that shows King’s ability to paint vivid characters and his deftness with psychological horror.

Dolores Claiborne, 1993. A woman living on a small Maine island is accused of murder twice in her life. The first one, she didn’t so much mind, but she’s determined to clear herself of the second–which means laying out all of her secrets, even the most painful.

Different Seasons, 1982. Even if you haven’t read this collection, you’re probably familiar with two of its stories: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and The Body, the latter of which was adapted into the film Stand By Me. I’m not wild about the second novella, Apt Pupil, but the rest of the book more than makes up for it.

The Shining, 1977. I think this novel is King at his best. It’s a masterful suspense horror novel that mixes psychological horror and supernatural horror. (If you like this one, go ahead and read the sequel, Doctor Sleep, because it’s also very good.)

On Writing: A Memoir Of the Craft, 2000. Not just a how-to book on writing, this book delves into King’s life and inspirations. It’s a pretty good primer to understanding his point of view as a writer, which is typically very strong.

Full Dark, No Stars, 2010. A collection of four novellas that I thought were just excellent.

The Stand, 1978/1990. Re-released as an uncut edition in 1990, The Stand is a post-apocalyptic novel. Perennial fan fave with great character-building. Not without plot issues but overall a good read.

Pet Sematary, 1983. Just the classic story of a man and his cat. Okay, maybe a little more complicated than that, but not very–yet, even in the simplicity of the story, it’s one of the few that truly creeped me out.

Misery, 1987. One of his most famous novels for a good reason: it’s a tight psychological horror novel with a beautifully drawn villain. A must-read once you start getting into King.

The Long Walk, 1979. Stephen King first published this (and four other books) under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. The horror in his Bachman persona is different from his regular work, which flirts with camp and frequently goes to bed with gore, but it’s still very much horror.

Joyland, 2013. A crime novel meets ghost story, Joyland takes place in an amusement park where a girl had been murdered.

Roadwork, 1981. Another Bachman book, Roadwork is about a man whose home is about to be bulldozed to make way for a highway extension. He, however, is not going to let that happen. King has stated that Roadwork is a favorite of his among the early books.

The Dark Tower SeriesSee the SF/F list for more information here, because you will probably end up reading the whole list if you like this series.

The Straight-Up Horror List

King’s work has spanned multiple genres over the decades, but at its core has been his horror work. If you’re in it for the chills, these are your books.

Note: Some of his novels that are great but not actually horror are listed further down.

The Best Horror Books, IMO:

Books from previous sections that belong here: Carrie; The Shining; Full Dark, No Stars; Misery; The Long Walk; Pet Sematary; The Stand; and Doctor Sleep.

‘Salem’s Lot, 1975. Stephen King meets vampire novel; can you dig it?

Night Shift, 1978. A collection of short works, including “Children of the Corn”, “The Lawnmower Man”, and “Sometimes They Come Back”.

Lisey’s Story, 2006. For me personally? This book isn’t ranked on my list of faves, though I didn’t dislike it; however, King told Rolling Stone that he thought it was his best book (as of 2014). I think, then, anybody new to King might do well to pick it up earlier than I did.

The Pretty Good Horror Books:

Cell, 2006. Zombies meet technology in a more recent novel by King.

Skeleton Crew, 1985. “The Mist,” a famous work by King that has been adapted into a film, is in this collection, along with gems like “Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut” and “The Ballad Of the Flexible Bullet”.

Firestarter1980. A pyrokinetic little girl and her dad are on the run from the government, who wants to weaponize her.

The Dead Zone, 1979. I have to admit, this is one book I missed reading when I was younger. It gets glowing reviews, though.

Under the Dome, 2009. Something encapsulates a town in a seemingly impenetrable dome and shit goes very, very awry when they have to fend for themselves. People love or hate this one–I thought it was pretty solid.

Desperation, 1996. This book is part of a set of two books that are linked; I think Desperation is the better of the two. It’s very much a “good vs. evil” kind of story that shows off King’s world-building abilities. The other book is The Regulators, which he published as Richard Bachman.

Everything’s Eventual, 2002. Another collection–his short fiction is really just very good–with the story “1408,” which was scary AF and also was made into a film.

Nightmares and Dreamscapes, 1993. Another collection of stories, the first one of his I ever read.

Thinner, 1984. The last book to be written by “Richard Bachman,” Thinner smacked too much of King-style horror to keep up the ruse (King was outed as Bachman when someone got wise to his style leaking over). In Thinner, an overweight lawyer is cursed to become thinner to the point of death when he’s let off the hook for manslaughter.

Insomnia, 1994. I don’t know if it’s one of his most popular books but I actually like this book quite a lot, though part of that has to do with its connection to a larger work in the Stephen King Universe. An older man gets insomnia and starts seeing things. A younger man, normally well-liked and well-behaved, becomes abusive and terrifying. These things are not unrelated.

Just After Sunset, 2008. Short horror fiction collection.

Danse Macabre, 1981. This is a work of nonfiction that would mainly appeal to people as geeked out about horror as Stephen King is. It spans movies, books, and television.

The Pretty Okay Horror Books:

Christine, 1983. A dude gets a jealous car and she wants him all to herself.

IT1986I know if you’re a King fan, you’re probably mad that I haven’t featured this tome about a murderous clown yet. There are parts of that novel that are pants-shittingly terrifying, but there are also parts that are kind of not as good as they could be and there’s also [spoilers redacted] at the end, which is kinda fucked up, so. I don’t usually recommend it to people, but it’s a Big Deal in his oeuvre so I’m including it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Revival, 2014. A book that nods to Shelley and Lovecraft, Revival has a gothic, slightly sci-fi bent to it.

Cujo, 1981. A novel about a rabid dog that still gives me the willies to think about.

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, 2015. A recent collection of short works. Great cover art.

The Dark Half, 1990. A writer decides to “kill off” his pseudonym and concentrate on writing books under his own name. His pseudonym does not agree with this plan of action and lets the writer know. Violently.

From A Buick 8, 2002. A group of state troopers in Pennsylvania have a dark secret hanging out back in Shed B, where they keep the Buick Roadmaster. Yep, this is not one but two books about scary cars. There’s also a scary car short story in Just After Sunset.

Needful Things, 1991. A man with a shop of desirable curiosities opens up in Castle Rock; soon, the town is in chaos.

Duma Key, 2008. I wouldn’t say this is overall King’s best book, but there was a part that definitely creeped me out and stayed with me for a long time, and that’s not easy for an author to do for me.

The Suspense, Crime, and Thriller List

Even though it’s natural to want to peg King’s work as horror across the board, many of his works aren’t true horror–which, if you’re not into horror, might be more your speed.

The Best Suspense/Crime/Thriller Works:

Books from previous sections that belong here: Dolores Claiborne, Different Seasons, Joyland.

Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, and End of Watch, 2014-2016. This is a trilogy of crime novels featuring an ex-cop turned detective and his friends. It starts with a gruesome crime and gets really weird, really fast.

Rage, 1977. Rage is out of print, which is both understandable given its subject matter and also a damn shame, since it’s a good book. It’s about a boy who takes a gun to school, having broken under the immense pressures in his life, and what happens between him and the class he holds hostage. If you can find an older copy of The Bachman Books, it will be collected in there.

The Green Mile, 1996. First released in six volumes (and I was buying those individually in the mid-90s–memories!), The Green Mile is a crime novel with a hefty dose of magical realism.

Rose Madder, 1995. Rose Daniels decides one day that she has to escape her husband–her very abusive husband, who is a cop and who comes looking for her with a skill for tracking people down. He doesn’t know that she has a lot of help on her side, though.

The Pretty Good Suspense/Crime/Thriller Works:

The Colorado Kid, 2005. A mystery novel that takes on unexplained mysteries, and what might cause them.

Blaze, 2007. Another Richard Bachman work (he uses the moniker these days to denote books written in the style of Bachman), Blaze is another crime-novel-meets-ghost-story about a kidnapping.

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, 1999. This one is billed by some as horror but, despite having some supernatural elements, it doesn’t fit that bill very cleanly when you read it. A young girl is lost in the woods during a family hiking trip, and she has to survive–even though something is out to get her.

Bag of Bones, 1998. This book displays King’s love of Gothic fiction, loosely aligning itself with the story of Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. A man moves out to his vacation house following his wife’s death because he’s having nightmares about the place. Those nightmares might have had something to them, as it turns out.

Hearts in Atlantis, 1999. A collection of fiction centered around the Baby Boomer generation, also with ties to The Dark Tower series.

Gerald’s Game, 1992. Not my fave, but it has a lot of fans. A woman’s husband dies in front of her while she’s handcuffed to the headboard, which puts her in a very not-good situation. Even worse, she feels something watching her–is this her panicked imagination or certain doom?

The Science Fiction/Fantasy List

King clearly has a lot of SF/F influences, and they show through in many of his works.

The SF/F Works:

Books from previous sections that belong here: The Stand

The Dark Tower Series I – VIII (Plus The Wind Through The Keyhole). The Dark Tower is one of my most favorite series in the history of ever–so much so that I stopped re-reading it to preserve the memory of how much I love it. (It’s problematic in places. I admit that freely.) It’s the epic journey of Roland and his eventual companions in another world that runs parallel (?) to our own. It’s a mix of fantasy, western, sci-fi, and horror that has ties to King’s whole body of work; you’ll spend hours poring over the connections once you get into it. (A lot of people hate the first book. In my opinion, you can skip it if you hate it that much.)

The Eyes of the Dragon, 1987. A pure fantasy tome about a murdered king, a framed prince locked in the tower, and an evil magician purring into the ear of the new king.

The Running Man, 1982. This is one of my favorites, a sci-fi dystopian work where people can go on TV and earn money on awful reality shows. Because his child needs medicine, Ben Richards decides to try out for the shows and ends up on the big one–the one where the network hunts humans for sport.

The Talisman (With Peter Straub), 1984. A young boy sets off on a journey to save his dying mother and finds an alternate America, full of twins to people in his America. This book is beloved by many long-time King fans and has a sequel, Black House.

I Wanna be like MIC!

Kindle with badge (002)


Staff Sergeant Bea “Mic” Michaels is the leader of Steel Corps, an elite group of the finest men in the American Armed forces. Commissioned by the United States Government to do what other units cannot, existing both above and outside the law.
A new recruit, Corporal Chris Jordon, has just been delivered, but before he can call himself Steel, he must pass every physical and mental test Mic throws at him. Orders for a mission have come down and Mic must train Jordon faster than ever.
Their team is thrown into a desperate mission to rescue an undercover operative in the heart of Colombia. Forced to take down the head of the Fernando Cartel and the mysterious Frenchie, their mission is complicated when Mic and Jordon are lost to their team.
Digging deep within herself, Mic will need every ounce of her strength to save both her team, and herself.


21 (002)


It’s been two months since one of our own was killed in front of us. Two months of training and waiting. Time is up and another new recruit is due to arrive any minute; the cousin of the man who betrayed us all. The guys aren’t going to like it, but my superior has overridden my protests.

Just when I didn’t think things could get any worse, my contact with Aunt Beatrice is discovered and my actions have put her in mortal danger. A hit was ordered from a cartel in Mexico. Led by the cousin of Diego Fernando’s widow, the Vega Cartel has a blood debt to settle and they have come to collect.

Jordon is becoming more attractive to me by the day; as my feelings for him continue to grow, our situation becomes even more complicated when our connection is discovered by one of the team. Events spiral out of my control, forcing me to face my demons and darkest fears. I find myself teetering on the edge of good and evil, poised to fall.

A sinister message has me racing to Mexico, trying to beat the dawn. What I find waiting for me there may spell the end of my life and Steel Corps itself.

I must decide; am I hard enough to make this choice? Is my soul a big enough sacrifice for the lives of innocents? There is no question. I am Staff Sergeant Michaels and I am Steel.

***Hardened By Steel picks up where Core of Steel leaves off and it is recommended to read the books in order.




I’m Staff Sergeant Michaels, the leader of Steel Corps. We’re the best America has to offer and we’ve been dealt a heavy blow. I’m fighting to recover; struggling to be the leader my men expect me to be – need me to be.

It’s been five days. Five days since my men rescued me from that basement in Mexico. My body is healing and I’m stronger than ever – eager to go to Russia and end this terror haunting me.

Secrets burden our team like lead weights around our necks. We must strip them free and bind ourselves together anew. These revelations have the power to rip us apart, forever changing Steel.

Will it be for the better? Or will Steel Corps burn?

I can’t decide our future alone, but Chris Jordon is at my side, watching my back – chasing the shadows away, whether I want him to or not.

An unexpected visitor forces our hands and sends Steel on a mission from which we may not return. I may get my way, but at what price?

Only one way to find out…



Steel Corps is comprised of the finest men the American Armed Forces has to offer. They exist in the shadows, apart from society and the comforts it offers. Sanctioned by the government to operate outside the law, the do the hard things, the necessary things, and most of all; the things John Q. Public doesn’t want or need to know about.

They go after sex traffickers, hate groups, terrorists, any scum bag on the planet that needs to be eliminated. With this power comes a heavy burden and a damaging cost. With no families or spouses outside of their specialized unit they only have each other to rely on.

Led by Bea “Mic” Michaels and her team of soldiers, Steel Corps follows the missions and orders handed down by the Department of Defense; for the most part. Master Sergeant Jackson has been known to give Mic free reign when the situation calls for it. Their strength and determination are their biggest assets, but tragedy and betrayal can touch anyone. Even Steel.



The first member of Steel Corps, she was hand-picked by Master Sergeant Jackson. She joined the United States Army directly after high school and quickly showed an aptitude for leadership and a keen intelligence. Schooled in tactics and interrogation techniques she originally worked as military intelligence but after a mission in Iraq went sideways, she was recruited for Steel.

She was named for her Aunt Beatrice though it was shortened to Bea. She got the handle Mic in basic training and has used it ever since. She comes from a broken home with a traumatic childhood, the details of which are revealed in Hardened by Steel, Steel Corps Book 2. She is 29 years old and never tells anyone when her birthday is.

Her true loves are music, her Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, and Guinness. She has broad tastes in music and listens to everything from Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash to Korn and Rob Zombie. Her favorite song and band changes daily or according to her mood.

She tries to keep a few things about herself feminine. She favors pink underwear in all its forms.

She loves to take her Jeep out, bouncing around in the mountains takes her mind off of everything. It allows her to just lose herself in her music and the forest. Before every mission it’s her ritual to go out alone. She tries not to form deep emotional attachments. Her biggest fear is being killed on a mission and being the cause of someone’s grief.

Her team is her family, as she is theirs. She is the glue that holds them together as a cohesive and deadly unit. She would sacrifice everything and anything for them, including her life. Her pride in the team she and Jackson have assembled drives her, pushes her to test their limits. Every mission tightens the ropes of brotherhood closer together, until the only thing that can loosen them is death itself.


Interview with J.B. Havens

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I suppose in high school. I dabbled in poetry (very BAD poetry) and started making up stories. I wrote a trashy romance short story as a gift for a dear friend and it sort of always stayed in the back of my head. Until I got the inspiration for Mic, that is, after that I just couldn’t stop writing

How long does it take you to write a book?

Core of Steel took me nearly a year. I stopped for almost six months before getting back into it. Hardened by Steel I wrote in just over two months. My muse is a fickle bitch.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

For the time being, I write full time. Though I wrote both books one and two while working evenings and weekends in a soul sucking retail job. I have three kids who keep my busy too. I try to maximize on nap time!

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

I keep a bag of wintergreen lifesavers on my desk and I am constantly munching on them when I’m lost in thought or the like.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I’ve taken great care in my research and have tried to be as accurate to the military as possible, while still keeping with my story line. I talk to veterans, follow veteran website/blogs, and use google a lot. Often, things will just hit me, I get ideas from everywhere. People watching is a big one. I just let my imagination run away with me and see what happens.

When did you write your first book?

I started Core of Steel almost two years ago I think, but it’s been live on Amazon for going on a year now. October is the anniversary of its release.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Spending time with my kids and family, watching horror movies with a good friend, and reading

What does your family think of your writing?

For the most part they are really proud of me. My husband brags about me all the time. A few family members have made it into the books as well. Some of them don’t really understand it, but they support me anyway.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

That’s a hard question! I guess, mostly that there is still so much to learn. I learn new things about writing styles, publishing, advertising, all of it, every day. Also, a big one for me is that not only did I do it and realize my dream, but people actually like my books!

What is the name of your favorite book?

Oh man. I can’t pick just one. The Stand, Zombie Fallout, Indian Hill, The Giver. I could go on for hours.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

Ask me questions mostly and tell me how much they love Mic. It always shocks me. I don’t know if I will ever get used to people being excited to talk to me or wanting to meet me.

What do you think makes a good story?

Characters. A great story, no matter the genre, writing style, or whatever—must have deep, well thought out, ‘real’ characters. I’ll read just about anything as long as they grab me.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I bounced between an archeologist, anthropologist, infantryman (I was really pissed when I found out girls weren’t allowed in the infantry).

Did you have any goals for this collection when you wrote it — to get published, or just to finish, etc.?

I wanted to get published. I tried to be published traditionally but after dozens of rejections, just decided to do it on my own.

How did you begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or do you have a specific reason or reasons for writing each book?

I’ve always told stories in one form or another since I can remember, even if they were just in my head. It seemed natural. I don’t have any hidden messages in my books, I write purely for the entertainment value.

What authors do you like to read? What book or books have had a strong influence on you or your writing?

I love Mark Tufo, Cristin Harber, Samantha A. Cole, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, J.K. Rowling. I could go on and on. Laurell K. Hamilton, Tufo, and Cristin Harber had a big influence on me for different reasons. Mark Tufo for his violence that is so well done and his engaging characters. How he interjects humor into even the most horrifying of situations. It’s a balance that I strive for. Cristin Harber because she’s totally self-published and has made the NYT Best seller and USA Today Best Seller lists. If she can do it, I can.

Do you write every single day?

No. I try to but often fall short of the mark. I have days where I can sit and write 8k words. Then other days I can hardly manage a paragraph. I’ve found that if I force myself to, what I write is usually garbage.

What’s the worst job you’ve had?

Haha. That’s a hard one. I’ve done everything from office work, to being a janitor, to day-care. I’d have to say working as a maid in hotels. Its dirty, hard work and I wasn’t a fan.

What’s more important: characters or plot?

Characters. Hands down. Don’t get me wrong, if you have a crappy plot no matter how great your characters are they can only do so much. But I think really excellent characters can overcome a lot of short-comings.

How did you come up with the titles for your books?

Core of Steel was a play on words. Steel Corps-Core of Steel. Then, after that it was something to do with what Mic and the guys go through. Hardened by Steel, she faces some of her biggest challenges yet, and in Forged by Steel, Book Three that releases in August—Mic and her team have to really huddle down and show the world what they are made of. Book Four, Bound by Steel, which I am currently working on, is a little more self-explanatory. After all of the challenges they face, they are still bound together.

Author Biography


J. B. Havens is the author of the military thriller book Core of Steel (Steel Corps Book 1) , the first book in a series that follows the main character, Staff Sergeant Bea “Mic” Michaels, as she leads her elite force of black-ops on missions that don’t exist to the public’s knowledge.

Born in Colorado, J.B. moved with her family when she was young and grew up in central Pennsylvania. She loves watching her favorite hockey team, the Montreal Canadians and is also a Steelers fan. When not reading or watching her favorite sports teams with her family she is researching all things military.

Her love of books started when she was young, reading the Little House on the Prairie books and Goosebumps, and graduated into Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. Her favored books span the spectrum of genres, everything from Stephen King’s The Stand to Cristin Harber’s Titan series.

J.B. has always been fascinated with the military and wanted to explore how a strong female lead would affect a special forces operation. This birthed the idea for J.B.’s first book, Core of Steel, which hosts a strong female lead character, Bea Michaels.

Hardened By Steel, the second book in the series released in March 2016. It continues to follow the team on a mission to Mexico and Mic must make a choice that could spell the end of Steel Corps and Mic herself.

The third book in the military thriller series, Forged by Steel is, slated to release on August 26, 2016 and no doubt she will continue to frustrate her readers with the unrealized relationship between two favored characters, Mic and Jordon.

J.B. Havens can be contacted on her website:

On Facebook

Twitter @havens_b

Instagram @jbhavensauthor

You can subscribe to her newsletter on the website and get all the forthcoming updates on her third novel. Coming soon!





The Taking – Book Review

The Book Review Directory

The Taking

“Maybe there’s nothing impossible tonight. We’re down the hole to Wonderland, and no White Rabbit to guide us.”

“If I remember correctly, the White Rabbit was an unreliable guide, anyway.”


On the morning that marks the end of the world they have known, Molly and Neil Sloan awaken to the drumbeat of rain on their roof. A luminous silvery downpour is drenching their small-Californian mountain town. It had haunted their sleep, invaded their dreams, and now, in the moody purple dawn, the young couple cannot shake the sense of something terribly wrong.

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